MASOOMA BABAR SIDDIQI (Bioanalytiker / Kandidat i Patologi )
Mit navn er Masooma Babar Siddiqi, og jeg er født og opvokset i Karachi, Pakistan+. Jeg har en kandidatgrad i fysiologi, kemi og biokemi med speciale i Patofysiologi fra Pakistan, som i Danmark er vurderet til en dansk bachelor i det naturfaglige område. Jeg valgte at opkvalificere og opdatere mig rettet mod en fremtid som bioanalytiker fra Danmark og tog bioanalytiker uddannelsen fra Professions højskole Absalon.
Jeg er meget lærenem, ansvarsbevidst, organiseret, problemløsende, engageret og arbejdsom person.
Jeg arbejder meget struktureret og kan arbejde selvstændig, når opgaven kræver det, og er også en holdspiller og kan indgå aktivt og løsningorienteret i teamets fælles mål og arbejdsopgaver.
Jeg har et skarp overblik som gør at jeg kan omprioritere og tager gerne ansvar for at teamets mål kan realiseres med stor fokus på kvaliteten.
Gennem de sidste 6 år har jeg været tilknyttet Holbæk Sygehus.

Jeg har erfaring indenfor bl.a.
- Udførelser af analyser på Alinity (både biokemisk og immunologiske analyser).
- Udførelser af analyser på både hæmatologi apparat Sysmex og gas apparat ABl 800 flex og Abl 90.
- Udførelser af analyserne på Distro (ca -ioner) og tosoh ( HbA1c ).
- Udførelser af kontroller betjening af apparat og daglige vedligeholdelse af alt laboratorie udstyr.
- Intern kvalitets sikkering af laboratorie udstyr.
- Behandlingen af projektopgaver og prøver (probe, Dansda, projekt til overvægtige børn, pam history og mange flere projekter.
- Udførelser af analyser på Elisa.
- Afpippetering og behandling af biologisk materiale og nedfrysning af biologisk materiale.
- Daglig vedligeholdelse på laboratorie udstyr.
- Blodprøvetagning og elektrokardiogram.
- Superbruger funktion når det kræver det.
- Oplæring af nye personale.
- Oplæring af udenlandske studerende
- Ekg og blodprøvetagning på både nyfødte børn og til ældre mennesker.
I min uddannelse som Patofysiolog har jeg bl.a. haft følgende fag:
Klinisk immunologi, klinisk fysiologi, klinisk biokemi, cytologi, klinisk neurofysiologi, kemi, biokemi og biostatistics. Jeg har arbejdet med at håndtere humant biologisk materiale, vurderet og udviklet metoder og kvalitetskrav samt analyseret, detekteret og vurderet patogene afvigelser i humant biologisk materiale. Det betyder at langt de fleste fag på bioanlytikker uddannelsen, som jeg tog i Danmark, var genkendelige for mig, og jeg kunne inddrage og bidrage min viden og erfaringer -både på studiet og videre i min karriere som bioanalytiker, som jeg inderligt brænder for. For at kunne blive optaget på studiet har jeg opkvalificeret mig ved at gå på HF, hvor jeg har bestået kemi og biologi med 12 i karakterer.
Ved min tidligere fuldtidsansættelse blandt i alt 40 medarbejdere, som blæksprutte hos TeleAkademiet aps, har jeg erfaring med dataindtastning og kvalitetssikring af kundedatabase. Her fik jeg demonstreret min nysgerrighed & sans for detaljer.
Jeg har ydermere 4 års erhvervserfaring fra undervisningssektoren i Pakistan hvor jeg har undervist 9 til 12. klasses elever i naturfag kemi og biokemi, samt administreret elever på gymnasieniveau som viceinspektør, hvor jeg især brugte min evne til at arbejde systematisk & vedholdende.

Jeg er nu helt klar til at blive udfordret på mine faglige og personlige kompetencer og bidrage med mine evner som vikar/konsulent indenfor mit fag og via mit øje for detalje og kvalitet være med til at sikre kvalitet i diagnostikken.
Hvis du/I er blevet nysgerrig og interesseret i at høre, om vi har et match, så kontakt mig gerne på for yderligere.
I am a Biomedical laboratory scientist and have completed my studies from Denmark. I have also an additional Masters degree in Patho-physiology with special subjects as chemistry and biochemistry from Karachi university of Pakistan. This degree has been accepted as Bachelor of Science from the Daanish Ministry of Education. I have done my specialization, medical research and academic research, in diagnosing diseases -specially blood.
I am a multi-tasking person and love to work in a competitive environment with a reputable organization, to test my best efforts and skills by undertaking professional challenges. I am available for the opportunities in different professional organizations with the vision of development, enhancement and modification of career growth.

I have worked in both of my educations with various methods and techniques. I have studied and used laboratory methods based on established scientific principles involving biology, chemistry and physics, and encompass all aspects of the clinical laboratory from testing the amount of cholesterol & glucose in blood, to investigating DNA and to growing infectious organisms.
I have worked with all different specialties that bio analysts work within:
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Clinical microbiology
- Pathology
- Clinical immunology
- Clinical physiology and nuclear medicine
- Clinical Neurophysiology
- Clinical genetics
- Genomic medicine
Since 2019, I´ve been working in a Biochemical department on: POCt equipment, Hematology apparatus Sysmex XN, Tosoh, Alinity, Diestro, Elisa, Abl 800 and Abl 90 and Coagulations Apparatus Star max.
I have also learnt to work with Special stains, quality assurance of the machines.
- Golgi Stain used in neuronal fibrosing
- Masson's Stain used in connective tissue
- Immunological labeling that have fluorescent or enzymatic stains
- Immunohistochemistry
- Electron microscopy
- Flow cytometry:
- Molecular Pathology and Cytogenetics: FISH and direct sequencing of DNA
- observing cell integrity with a microscope.
- Spectrophotometry
- Fluorimetry
- Enzymeology
- Thin Layer Chromatography and Extraction Techniques
- Gas Chromatography
- HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography)
- Metal toxicology in clinical, and chemical pathology
- Role of analytical chemistry in the safety of drug therapy
- Atomic spectrometric techniques for the analysis of clinical samples
My project in Masters
"DISORDERS OF BLOOD AND CANCEROUS CELLS". I have in detail studied and have researched on how to use Antibodies for Blood Typing, Blood Type Importance, how to Create a blood simulation to investigate an anticoagulant affects coagulation, and how disrupting coagulation can cause blood disorders, such as hemophilia, Leukemia. What blood is, how does it work, what does it do and blood related diseases and inherited blood disorders. I have learned to work with specialized tests such as general biochemical profiles, enzyme profiles, endocrine assays, karyotyping, flow cytometry and HLA typing are available along with several other special tests. My major interest during the period on working on my project was on infectious diseases and cancer. During the days of my project I have also worked in a lab with well-equipped apparatus at Aga khan university hospital.
As a Medical Transcriptionist, a medical language specialist, I have learned to interpret and transcribe dictation by physicians and other healthcare professionals regarding patient assessment, workup, therapeutic procedures, clinical courses, diagnosis, prognosis etc., to document patient care and facilitate delivery of healthcare services.
As a medical Transcriptionist I have learned to transcribe operating notes (Kidney transplant, Obs-Gyne surgery, ENT surgery, Plastic surgery, Cardiac surgery, Orthopedic surgery, General surgery etc. Transcription of referral letters and memos, educational articles, death summaries, consultation notes, clinical notes, follow-up notes, EEG, NCS, EMG reports, Executive Physical and General Physical Examination reports and Medical summaries is also a part of our daily activities.
- In medical transcription I have learned to understand the fundamental concepts about CT-Scan.
- The processing system.
- Generations of CT-Scan.
- Elementary concepts of Anesthesia Machine.
- Basic knowledge of LASER and CHEMISTRY ANALYSER.
- Basic knowledge about Gamma Camera.
- Elementary concepts of SPECT and PET.
- Principal knowledge about MRI.
- Key idea about Ultra Sound Machine of different brands.
- Basic work done on defibrillators and CT-Scan.
- I have learned elementary concepts in Epilepsy treatment model on COMSOL
- Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment model on COMSOL.
- Presently I am working at department of clinical Biochemistry since 2019
- I have worked as a departmental in charge of O level section, (which is same as college in Denmark). My section in college worked in association with BRITISH COUNCIL SYSTEN, LONDON. The British Council is the UK’s international organization for cultural relations and educational opportunities.
- With BRITISH COUNCIL SYSTEM I have participated in different courses and projects related with local issues to global themes.
- I have worked as a student coordinator and have guided them successfully in various ways.
- I have worked with the administration team to develop the new Cambridge department in WHITE HOUSE GRAMMAR SCHOOL.
- I have coordinated different plans and activities, science exhibitions on college level, between BRITISH COUNCIL AND MY WORKING PLACE.
- During my work I have developed strong relations with different departments, in HR and customer administration.
- I have worked for TeleAkademiet aps in Denmark as an administrative assistant, where I have updated client data base and had other different administrative responsibilities.
Please, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you think we have a match: